Saturday, 7 June 2008

Too many bothers

BROTHERS, the golden question is: how many have I got?
I’ve got a few really, 2 blood brothers, and about 7 or 8 great fellas, which I would gladly call brothers and I am pretty sure they mean the same too. 2 Blood brothers are for life comprising of ties that cannot be broken and will never be no matter the adversity; a few more brothers are brothers that hardly trumpets the word “brothers” for every fucking sentence they mutter out

here is an illustration:
“Bro, can you do this ah?”
“Bro, I can’t afford this shit”

And yet, with minimal figure of speech “brothers”, we are understood to be brothers in shine and in rain. Each has his own weaknesses but nevertheless wishes each other’s success and prosperity, willing to put a foot in as best as possible to help a brother in distress albeit with minor scuffles along the way which has made the word “brother” whenever pronounced stronger and meaningful. (Although there seems to be a bit of coldness and growing distance among us, the intent is there and lets hope it lasts. But this is not about what am I about to say here)

So what am I ranting about then? Wait a minute, I’ve just realised I have got more brothers that I had ever bargained for really! Fuck that’s rite, its not 10 or so, it’s 25 or so. And yeah, probably 15 brothers more than I have counted, that’s right, so-called “brothers” .so is my maths so poor? That I miscounted the amount of brothers I have? Or is my judgement so bad that I have misplaced 15 more good souls? The answer is NO for both the questions. I have about 10 brothers and I intend to keep it that way +/- depending on situation with 2 absolute brothers.

So you have it, the rest of the 15 good souls, if you were to use the word “brother” on me, don’t count on a return on the word “brother”. I am sure some of them are friends, who are good in nature, some are acquaintances with somewhat same wavelengths, and some are lets just say pieces-of-shit. It maybe acceptable if the 2 former groups of people refer to me as their brothers, It would just mean me not giving a response “brother” if I do not mean it then. To the latter group of persons, you fucking piece of shit, the questions to those people are who are your fucking brothers? I don’t do well with persons that do not mean well to me and yet calls me “brother” with no meaning or so in it (bye-sucker-take-care-of-yourself). Worst of all with a rather malicious intent despite the word. You tarnish the word “brother”. Sorry for taking it too literally then, but when pieces-of-shit says brothers, they actually meant kai tai and I am for one not anyone’s kai tai and would gladly prefer people to use the word kai tai straight in my face rather than calling me a brother and thinking of me as a kai tai. Besides too many brothers becomes a bother! So, if the meaning is there, then very well, if not fucking pisser off……

This post is meant as a tribute to all my BROTHERS and all my “SREHTORB” spelt the other way round since it actually means nothing whatsoever to certain individuals.

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