Sunday 30 December 2007

stoned unstoned stoned and unstoned

yeap.. been actually 3 months since i landed in London actually...

1.5 years has passed since i started uni
year 2 is a particular year, where as stoning is concerned, its not surprsing

damn.... 16 hrs awake, 16 hours sleep, what day is it...?
barely see sunlight after 4 pm...

a hiatus of 3 months coincides with:
a new hse
more beer
more work
32 hour days
less pounds to spend (fucking gas heating is bleeding me to death..)
more top gear on Dave
boxing day mayhem .... i mean mayhem...MAYHEM.... (london shit hole crap- stuff was good)
and the coming new years...

some say he stones on air,
some says he has a "simply value" liver,
all we know is, he is mua..!

explains my odd times and behaviours...=)


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